Some Of our case Studies...
Some Of our case Studies...
Listed below are some interesting case studies provided by members of Global Team Impact outlining how we have helped some of our clients. For further information on a particular case study, please contact the named member of the team.

Case Study #1
Case Study #1
Fenneke Tjallingii-Brocken & Craig Martin
Fenneke Tjallingii-Brocken & Craig Martin
A case study on applying systemic techniques to fostering innovative team operations and synchronization within a US Leadership Team. For further information please contact:
A case study on applying systemic techniques to fostering innovative team operations and synchronization within a US Leadership Team. For further information please contact:

Case Study #2
Case Study #2
A systemic team coaching that supported the arc of the Life Science team’s development over a period of 18 months. For further information please contact:
A systemic team coaching that supported the arc of the Life Science team’s development over a period of 18 months. For further information please contact:

Case Study #3
Case Study #3
A case study on team growth and change at a New York theatre company. For further information please contact:
A case study on team growth and change at a New York theatre company. For further information please contact: